Supporters and Advocates

This Photo was taken in celebration of installing the final girder on the 216th overpass on HWY 1. (from left to right : Aaron Gildener, the owner of Takt Construction Services Ltd.. Justin Reitz, the owner of RiteTech Construction Ltd., C. Michael Kinsella, one of our two co-founders, and Thomas Marrello, the head of RiteTech/Takt joint ventures precast concrete division.)

“With the difficulty we face today when it comes to finding skilled workers, we can not afford to lose the ones we have to something so preventable.” – Vice President of Walnut Grove Glass and Aluminum

Our vision for a safer workplace is shared by a growing network of dedicated supporters who stand with us in the fight against the opioid crisis. Featured below are the logos of esteemed companies and organizations that have pledged their commitment to promoting safety and preparedness against opioid overdoses. Each logo represents a powerful ally in our collective mission to ensure nasal naloxone accessibility on job sites throughout British Columbia. These partnerships not only fuel our efforts but also signify a united front in the pursuit of a future free from preventable workplace fatalities due to toxic drugs. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every supporter for their invaluable contribution to this life-saving initiative.

Thanks to our Supporters and Advocates

Cedars Recovery