About Us

The New PPE is a non-profit association based in British Columbia and founded in 2023. Our organization was born out of a critical need to address the escalating issues of opioid overdoses and a toxic drug supply, particularly in British Columbia, and we quickly narrowed our strategic vision to empower workers and safeguard workplaces with the necessary tools and trainings. The New PPE founders, board, and network of supporters share the common goal of ensuring that every worksite is equipped to address the public health emergency of drug toxicity.

Since our recent inception, we have achieved significant milestones that have contributed to raising awareness about opioid overdoses and promoting the use of naloxone. We have successfully rallied industry leaders, unions, trade associations, and construction companies behind our noble cause. By forging these partnerships and uniting with one loud voice, we strive to deepen our policy impact and truly make a difference in the lives of workers across the province.

The gravity of the opioid crisis requires continued effort and engagement from all parties involved. We remain steadfast in our mission and will continue to collaborate with industry leaders and workers to reduce opioid-related mortality in the workforce.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We invite you to join us in our mission and subscribe to receive updates of our work. Together, we can create safer workplaces and protect the well-being of workers in British Columbia.