About The New PPE

The New PPE is a non-profit association based in British Columbia, founded in 2023 to address the escalating issues of opioid overdoses and toxic drug supply. Our mission is to empower workers and safeguard workplaces with the necessary tools and training to prevent opioid-related harm. Our founders, board, and network of supporters are dedicated to ensuring that every worksite is equipped to address this public health emergency.

Contact Information

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Testimonials and Impact Stories

Melissa Blain – Nanaimo, BC

Melissa Blain, a former nurse from the Ontario healthcare system, retrained and changed careers after surviving on the frontlines of the pandemic. She discusses why nasal naloxone is preferred over intramuscular naloxone, highlighting ease of use and reduced risk of trauma.

Michael – Lower Mainland, BC

Michael’s story is a poignant reminder of the importance of accessible naloxone. After years of sobriety, Michael, a construction worker, relapsed and tragically lost his life to an overdose. His story underscores the mission of The New PPE to make naloxone kits readily available on all job sites.

Supporters and Advocates

We are proud to have the support of companies of all sizes, union and non union, as well as several organizations willing to put community above politics.

Click here to see the growing list of companies, unions and organizations behind this cause.

Join Us

We invite you to join us in our mission. Subscribe to receive updates of our work and learn how you can contribute to creating safer workplaces in British Columbia.